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Why Cephalexin Is A Top Choice For Antibiotic Treatment

Why Cephalexin Is A Top Choice For Antibiotic Treatment

Cephalexin is a cephalosporin antibiotic medication that is commonly used to treat bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections, sinus infections, and ear infections. It effectively fights the infection by killing the infection-causing bacteria. This medicine is accessible as a low-cost generic drug. What is Cephalexin? Cephalexin is a prescription-only antibiotic. A generic version of Cephalexin is available in the form of tablets, capsules, and oral suspension. Keflex and Biocef are the common brand names for this drug. Why Is Cephalexin Prescribed? Cephalexin is prescribed to treat a wide range of bacterial infections however it may not work against viral infections such as flu and the common cold. Improper or misuse of this medicine can decrease its effectiveness. Cephalexin can successfully treat: ·         Urinary tract infections (UTIs)/ genitourinary tract infections ·         Respiratory tract infections ·         Ear infections ·         Ear infections ·         Skin infections and soft tissue infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes ·         Reproductive system infections ·         Bone infections caused by Straphylococcus aureus How Does Cephalexin Medication Works To Combat Bacterial Infections? Cephalosporin antibiotics including Cephalexin fight various bacterial infections by preventing the bacteria from developing a protective covering around themselves that obstructs the growth of bacteria and kills bacteria. Dosing Schedule of Cephalexin This medicine is accessible in the form of Cephalexin capsules, Cephalexin tablets, and Cephalexin liquid suspensions. Cephalexin dosage may differ from patient to patient depending on age, severity of infection, and other health problems. For patients with renal impairment, the maximum daily dose should be more than 1g. Dosage for children (15 years and older) and adults: The typical dosage is Cephalexin 250 mg orally every 6 hours or Cephalexin 500 mg every 12 hours. Usually, it is prescribed for 7 to 14 days. In case of severe infections higher doses may be prescribed by your healthcare provider. Dosage for children (1 to 15 years old): For children, the dosage depends on the body weight of the child. The typical daily oral dose is 25 mg/kg to 50 mg/kg of body weight. It is given in equally divided doses throughout the day as your prescriber directs. Generally, it is prescribed for 7 to 14 days. For severe infections (ear infections) your child may be prescribed a higher dose up to 100 mg/kg per day. What is The Right Way to Use Cephalexin  For Urinary Tract Infections And Other Bacterial Infections? Take Cephalexin tablets and capsules orally by mouth every 6 or 12 hours as your doctor suggests. You can take it before or after a meal at your convenience. Take this antibiotic at evenly spaced intervals to get the best out of this antibiotic. If you are taking Cephalexin oral suspension, shake the medicine bottle properly every time you use it. Carefully measure the dose using the measuring device or spoon that comes with the medicine. If you have not received the measuring device along with this medicine, ask your pharmacist for one. GrantPharmacy makes sure to provide the measuring devices along with the liquid medications to avoid any inconvenience to its customers. Do not use regular kitchen spoons to ensure the correct dose. Make sure you take cephalexin for the prescribed period even if your condition gets better just after a few doses. Discontinuing it early before the prescribed amount of period can allow the recurrence of infection. Do not take less or more than the prescribed dose of Cephalexin. If your condition doesn’t improve or symptoms become worse, talk to your healthcare provider. Important Warnings Concerning The Use of Cephalexin This antibiotic comes with some warnings that you should be aware of. These warnings include: Allergic reactions: Cephalexin mat causes a severe allergic reaction if you are allergic to it or any of its inactive ingredients. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include hive, trouble breathing, and swelling of the face, throat, lips, or tongue. Tell your healthcare provider if you are allergic to any ingredient, drug, or food product. If you have ever experienced an allergic reaction to this medicine in the past, do not take it again as it can be fatal. Kidney problems: If you have kidney-related issues or had a kidney disease in the past, your system may not be able to eliminate this medication from your body properly. It may raise the levels of this medication in your body and make you prone to experiencing side effects. Your doctor may need to modify the dose to avoid any kind of complications. Pregnancy: Studies revealed that using this medication in pregnant animals has not demonstrated a risk to the fetus. However, there are sufficient studies performed on pregnant patients to determine the risk to the fetus. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and discuss the advantages and possible risks of using this medicine. Breastfeeding: Cephalexin medication transfers into the breast milk and may cause aftereffect reactions in the nursing baby. If you are breastfeeding, talk to the healthcare team before using this drug. Your doctor may suggest you stop nursing your baby while taking this medicine. Older adults: The kidneys of seniors (65 years and above) may not work properly as of adults. It can make your body process medications more gradually. It causes drug buildup, more drugs remain in your body for a longer period than they should be. As a result, it puts them at greater risk of developing side effects. It is advised to consider necessary dose modifications for senior patients with impaired renal function. Pediatric patients: Cephalexin has not been studied in babies younger than 1 year of age suffering from skin, middle ear, respiratory tract, bone, and urinary tract infections. The safety and efficacy of this medication have not been established in this age group so it should not be prescribed to children younger than one year of age. Antibiotic-related diarrhea: Almost all antibiotics counting Cephalexin, may cause diarrhea in some patients. Additionally, the diarrhea is accompanied by severe inflammation in the colon. Severe diarrhea can be terrible. Although it is rare, contact your healthcare professional if you experience diarrhea while taking or after completing treatment with this drug. β-lactam medications Allergy: If you are sensitive to β-lactam medications (most of these are antibiotics) or ever had an allergic reaction to these drugs, it is advised to not use this medicine. You may develop a serious allergic reaction. Cephalexin Associated Side Effects Cephalexin oral medication is not associated with drowsiness however it may cause other side effects in certain patients. The most reported side effects are: Diarrhea Indigestion Abdominal pain Nausea/vomiting Inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining Usually, these side effects are mild and go away within a few days without any significant treatment. If your symptoms do not go away or become severe such as bloody diarrhea call your healthcare team right away. Cephalexin Drug Interactions Using certain drugs concurrently may lead to drug interactions and increase the risk of adverse reactions. Cephalexin tablets may interact with other drugs, vitamins, herbal products, or other ingredients so make sure your doctor is aware of other medications or any pharmacy products you are taking. The most common medicines which interact with Cephalexin are: Probenecid Taking Cephalexin with Probenecid increases the risk of experiencing side effects as it may obstruct renal excretion of Cephalexin. Probenecid raises the amount of Cephalexin inside the body which makes your body prone to developing side effects. Metformin Combining Cephalexin with Metformin increases the chances of developing Metformin-associated side effects. If you take Cephalexin and Metformin medications together you may become prone to developing kidney problems. Your doctor needs to make suitable dose adjustments of Metformin to diminish the possible risk. Other medicines which can interact with Cephalexin include blood thinners (Warfarin). When your doctor is aware of all the medicines or pharmacy products you are taking, it's easy to manage all these medicines and prevent the likelihood of side effects. Discuss the possible drug interactions with your healthcare team before you begin with Cephalexin therapy. Significant Advantages of Cephalexin Cephalexin is reachable as a generic drug which is cheaper than brand-name drugs. It can be safely given to adults and children above 1 year of age. It effectively treats the most common bacterial infections caused by certain bacteria. The oral suspension is a blessing for those who can not swallow the Cephalexin tablet.   Cephalexin Treatment For Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection In Females (Comparing 2 Times Versus 4 Times Daily Dosing Of Cephalexin) Cephalexin is the most commonly prescribed treatment with excellent urinary penetration and bioavailability however not much data is available to support optimal dosing for UTIs treatment. The recent treatment guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, recommend β-lactam antibiotics as an alternative treatment rather than first-line agents to treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Cephalexin is an oral first generation Cephalosporin with 90 % bioavailability, establishes low protein binding, and attains high urinary concentrations making it a great pick for urinary tract infection treatment. Common indications suggest 250 to 500 mg of Cephalexin dosage every 6 hours however pharmacokinetic records show that every 12-hour dosing schedule is adequate. The reduced dosing frequency has improved patient observance and the success of the treatment. The study was performed to compare clinical results between female patients (adults) receiving UTI treatment with 500 mg 4 times daily and 500 mg twice daily Cephalexin in the outpatient setting. The cohort study involved adult female patients who were given Cephalexin for 5 to 7 days to treat symptomatic urinary tract infections with a cefazolin-susceptible urine culture. The main objective of this study was to compare UTI treatment between females treated with Cephalexin 500 mg twice daily (BID group) and 500 mg four times daily (QID group) in an outpatient setting. Secondary results comprised period to treatment failure, adverse events reported by patients within 7 days of treatment with Cephalexin, and occurrence of Clostridioides difficile within 30 days of treatment with this medicine. Outcomes of This Study A total of 261 patients (173 in the BID group and 88 in QID) were included in this study. Standard characteristics were similar in both groups. The most commonly isolated pathogen was Escherichia coli (85.4%). No difference was noticed in the treatment failure between the both groups including failure while getting therapy or recurrence within 30 days. There was no difference in the reported adverse events noticed between groups. Concluded Thoughts In the end, it was concluded that Cephalexin twice daily is as successful as Cephalexin 4 times daily to treat urinary tract infections. Taking Cephalexin twice a day may successfully improve patient adherence. Cephalexin 500 mg given twice a day was equally effective and safe as Cephalexin 500 mg given 4 times a day to treat adult female patients having uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Less frequent Cephalexin dosing may enhance patient adherence and treatment satisfaction. Tips To Get Most of Cephalexin Treatment Take Cephalexin 250 mg and 500 mg correctly as recommended by your healthcare provider. Make sure you complete the prescribed course of treatment. If you stop taking Cephalexin earlier than the prescribed period, the infection may come back and become difficult to treat. You can take a Cephalexin tablet or capsule with or without food. Taking it after a meal can help with digestion problems. While taking Cephalexin tablets and capsules make sure you do not chew or crush them and swallow them as a whole. If swallowing tablets is difficult for you, request your doctor to prescribe Cephalexin oral suspension. If you are using liquid medication, carefully store Cephalexin liquid medication in the refrigerator. Once you open the container, you can use the liquid medication for up to 14 days. Do not use it after 14 days and discard it even if it still contains some medication. This medicine may cause diarrhea but it goes away as you stop taking the medicine. In case it doesn’t go away or you have stomach cramps, bloody or watery diarrhea, fatigue, or fever anytime during Cephalexin treatment or after stopping the treatment call your healthcare provider team. These may be the symptoms of infectious diarrhea that necessitate the right treatment. Frequently Asked Questions Is Cephalexin a penicillin drug? Cephalexin belongs to the Cephalosporin antibiotic, not a penicillin medication. Cephalexin and Penicillin antibiotics possess similar chemical structures however these medicines differ in terms of bacteria they fight off. What is the most powerful antibiotic drug for severe Urinary Tract Infections? Cephalexin successfully treats severe UTIs. Can Cephalexin therapy treat severe infections? Cephalexin is used to treat a comprehensive range of bacterial infections. For more severe infections higher doses of Cephalexin may be prescribed. Can I use Cephalexin capsules to treat viral infections? Cephalexin medication will not treat viral infections including the common cold. Which bacteria can Cephalexin fight with? Cephalexin has impeccable activity against gram-positive bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, susceptible isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza etc. It may be prescribed to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria.

What is Epivir (Lamivudine )?

What is Epivir (Lamivudine )?

Lamivudine is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NTRI). It is available as Epivir and Epivir-HBV. This medicine is used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and Hepatitis B as it reduces the amount of hepatitis B and HIV in the blood. Taking Lamivudine along with required lifestyle modifications and safer sex practices can successfully reduce the risk of spreading Hepatitis B and HIV to other people. What is Lamivudine And Why is It Used? Lamivudine (Epivir) is given in combination with other medications to treat HIV infection and hepatitis B infection. However, Epivir is not a cure for HIV, it can lessen the risk of developing AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and HIV-associated illnesses including severe infections and cancer. Epivir to treat HIV Infection: Epivir is prescribed to treat HIV infection in adult patients and children older than three months of age. Epivir HBV to treat Hepatitis B infection: Epivir HBV is prescribed to treat chronic hepatitis B infection in adult patients and children above two years of age. It may not prevent the spreading of hepatitis B infection to other people. It slows down the virus progression lessening the liver damage caused by HPV. Epivir and Epivir HBV are both intended for different conditions. Epivir medication (tablets and liquid) should not be interchanged with Epivir HBV (tablets and liquid). Epivir comprises a higher dose of Lamivudine than Epivir HBV. Treating HIV patients with Epivir HBV can make HIV virus treatment difficult with Lamivudine and other medicines. If a patient is suffering from both HIV and Hepatitis B infection, only Epivir should be prescribed. If a patient is taking Epivir HBV to treat hepatitis B virus infection, discuss the risks of HIV infection with your healthcare provider. Lamivudine is accessible in Different Dosage Forms and Strengths Epivir 150 mg tablet Epivir 300 mg tablet Epivir HBV 100 mg tablet Epivir 10 mg/ml (oral solution) Epivir 50 mg/ml (oral solution) How Does Lamivudine Work to Treat HIV And HBV Infections? The drug Lamivudine belongs to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. It obstructs the reverse transcriptase enzyme present in HBV and HIV that helps these viruses replicate and make their copies. By blocking this enzyme Lamivudine effectively prevents HIV and HBV replication and its transmission. Lamivudine Dosage for Different Patients Infected With HIV and HPV The exact Lamivudine dosage for both Hepatitis B and HIV infections may vary from patient to patient depending on various factors such as the age of the patient, the severity of the condition, other medicines you are taking, and how your body acts to the initial dose of this medicine. Typical Dosage of Epivir for HIV Patients (generic oral tablet and solution and Epivir): The dosage for adults as well as kids weighing 25 kg and above is 300 mg orally once a day or 150 mg twice a day. The dosage for kids weighing 20-24 kg is 225 mg orally once a day or 75 mg every morning and 150 mg every evening. The dosage for children with body weight 14-18 kg is 150 mg once a day or 75 mg twice a day. The dosage for children weighing less than 14 kg is 10 mg/kg of the body weight once a day or 5 mg/kg of body weight twice a day. The dosage for children (3 months and older) is determined by the healthcare professional based on the exact body weight of the child. Typical Dosage of Epivir HBV for Hepatitis B Patients (generic oral tablet and Epivir HBV): The dosage for adult patients is 100 mg orally by mouth once a day. The dosage for children (2-17 years) is determined by the doctor depending on the body weight of the child. The typical dose for children is 3 mg/kg of body weight daily. How to Use Lamivudine Properly? Usually, it is recommended to take Epivir once or twice a day before or after a meal and Epivir HBV once a day. Be sure that you carefully follow the instructions on your prescription label. This medication is precisely as advised by your healthcare professional. Do not modify the prescribed dosage without consulting your healthcare team. Lamivudine treats and helps patients manage hepatitis B and HIV infections however it is not the cure for these infections. Even if you start feeling better after some doses still do not stop taking this medicine before completing the prescribed duration of treatment. To get maximum benefits of this medicine use it regularly as prescribed. Lamivudine works its best when you maintain a constant level of this drug inside your body. If possible, take this medicine every day at the same time and do not skip doses. When you notice that the supply of Lamivudine is running low, get more from GrantPharmacy at affordable prices. If you skip doses or discontinue using Lamivudine before the prescribed period, your infection may become tough to treat. Missed Dose If you forgot to take a dose, take your medicine as soon as you remember. However, if remember about the missed dose near the time of your next dose. You can skip the missed dose and continue with your next scheduled dose. Do not double dose. If you are not sure what to do, contact your health care professional. Cautions Inform your health care professional if you are suffering from or you think you may have hepatitis B virus infection. Your doctor will do the required tests and then prescribe Lamivudine. If you are taking this medicine, your condition may become worse suddenly when you stop taking this medication. Your healthcare provider will suggest regular lab tests for some months after you stop taking Lamivudine. Proper counseling and medical testing should be provided to patients before and during the treatment with Lamivudine. Using Lamivudine HBV in patients with unknown or untreated HIV infection can produce new types of HIV viruses which are harder to treat due to drug resistance. When Lamivudine is stopped too early or before the suggested period, hepatitis can become severely worse. Severe acute exacerbations of HBV have been shown in patients coinfected with HBV and HIV and have stopped Epivir. Regular liver and blood tests should be done during and severe months after the medicine is stopped. Always use effective preventive methods such as latex condoms to avoid transmitting hepatitis B and HIV infections to your partners during sexual activity. Moreover, don’t share this medicine with others even if they have similar symptoms. Regular lab and medical tests including hepatitis B virus DNA levels, complete blood counts, blood chemistries, and liver function should be done throughout the treatment with this medicine. Carefully track all your medical and lab appointments during the treatment. Different brands of Lamivudine may have different quantities of active drug. It is not advised to switch brands without consulting your doctor. If any patient getting Epivir treatment develops clinical or laboratory findings suggestive of pronounced hepatotoxicity (lactic acidosis) treatment should be stopped. Taking Lamivudine to treat HIV infection may cause alterations in immune system making it more active that condition is known as immune reconstitution syndrome. the immune system start combating various infections that it was too weak combat before Epivir treatment. Possible Side Effects This medication is prescribed when your doctor knows that its benefits are much greater than the likelihood of side effects. Many people do not experience side effects while some may have side effects including: Headache Diarrhea Vomiting/nausea Stomach pain Sleep difficulties Stuffy nose Dizziness Tiredness If any of these symptoms become severe or last longer call your healthcare provider. Do not take any medicines to ease side effects until your doctor recommends as it can increase the risk factors. Seek immediate attention from your healthcare provider if you experience serious liver problems (light-colored stool, dark urine, loss of appetite) or too much lactic acid in the blood (tiredness, weakness, fast heartbeat, trouble breathing). These are rare but serious side effects. Precautionary Measures You Need to Take Allergic reaction: Before you begin with Lamivudine HBV medication, tell your doctor if you are allergic to this medicine, any of its ingredients, or any other ingredients. The inactive ingredients of this medicine may also cause allergic reactions in certain patients. Medical conditions: Before you start taking Lamivudine, make sure your healthcare team is aware of your medical history and current conditions, particularly HIV infection, liver disease, blood disorders, kidney disease, and pancreatitis. Diabetes: Lamivudine HBV contain sugar (sucrose). In diabetic patients, using Epivir oral solution necessitates close monitoring of blood sugar levels. Pediatric use: Pediatric patients may be more prone to experiencing side effects of this medicine. Children with a history of pancreatitis, prior antiretroviral nucleoside exposure or other significant risk factors for developing pancreatitis, Lamivudine should be used cautiously. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Lamivudine is prescribed during pregnancy when it is essentially required. Limited studies demonstrated that this drug did not increase the risk of birth defects. Lamivudine passes into breast milk, talk to your healthcare provider before breastfeeding while using Lamivudine tablets. Discuss the benefits and potential risks of using this medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Alcohol and illegal drug use: This drug may cause dizziness and consuming alcohol while taking this medicine can make you more dizzy and drowsy. Therefore it is recommended to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and inform your doctor if you are using cannabis or any other illegal drugs. Possible Drug Interactions Associated to Lamivudine Drug interactions affect how your medicines work and increase the risk of experiencing serious side effects. Make sure your doctor is aware of any medicines, health supplements, vitamins, or herbal products you are using. Do not start any other medication without consulting your healthcare team. Other drugs which may interact with Lamivudine include: Sorbitol Emtricitabine Tafenoquine Trilaciclib Cabotegravir Betibeglogene autotemcel Using certain medicines with Lamivudine requires close monitoring such as: Abacavir Atazanavir Cabozantinib Givinostat Ganciclovir Fosamprenavir Eradfitnib Enfuvirtide Additionally, it is advised not to use this drug with other products containing Lamivudine. Pediatric subjects who got Lamivudine oral solution in combination antiretroviral therapy during the ARROW trial had lower plasma Lamivudine exposure, decreased rates of virologic suppression and developing viral resistance more frequently than patients who got Lamivudine tablets. As per clinical studies Lamivudine oral solution pediatric subjects with other antiretroviral oral solutions have not experienced considerable improvements while treating HIV infection. It happen because most oral solutions comprise a sweetner that cause lower amount of Epivir in body. Concluding Words Lamivudin is considered an effective medicine to treat HBV and HIV infections and mostly well tolerated by patients. If you are getting Epivir for HIV treatment make sure you take it each day at the same time. You can take it with or without food however be careful about the food restrictions relating to your other HIV medicines. Don’t forget to go for regular blood tests while taking Lamivudine to check how this medicine is working for your condition and how your immune system is responding to it. Frequently Asked Questions What is the cost of Lamivudine (Epivir)? The average cost of Epivir (brand name drug) is around $214.93 whereas the generic version of Lamivudine is around $24.34. The exact price of Lamivudine varies from pharmacy to pharmacy. The cost of Lamivudine oral solution is around $126 for a 240 ml bottle. For great savings on the original cost, buy Lamivudine from GrantPharmacy. They offer free shipping and additional discounts. Does Lamivudine affect the liver? Liver toxicity is a rare side effect of this drug. Liver toxicity such as an enlarged liver can be experienced by females, obese patients, and patients who are taking HIV medications for a longer period. How long is Epivir treatment? Generally, Epivir is prescribed for around 12 months. Most patients require extension however the optimal duration of Lamivudine treatment depends on how well this medicine works work you and the occurrence of possible side effects. What should I avoid during Lamivudine treatment? Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages as they can cause severe dizziness. Liquid formulations of Epivir HBV contain sucrose so if you are diabetic watch your sugar levels while using this medication. Why Epivir is prescribed with other antiretroviral medications? The combination of Lamivudine and antiretroviral medications is prescribed with an aim to reduce the amount of HIV in body till the undetectable viral load. The undetectable viral load is the point where the virus is not detectable in the lab work. An undetectable viral load allows your immune system to work appropriately to protect you from undesired infections.

How Ampicillin Can Improve Your Health

How Ampicillin Can Improve Your Health

  Ampicillin is a penicillin medication that is used to treat certain types of bacterial infection,upper nd lower respiratory infection, gastrointestinal infection. The drug was developed to get rid of drug resistance and prolong the antimicrobial attention of penicillins. It is an acid-resistant medicine thus it can be given orally. What You Need to Know About Ampicillin? Ampicillin is a prescription medicine that comes under the brand names Ampi, Principen, Penglobe, and Omnipen. Ampicillin is accessible in the form of an oral capsule, oral suspension, and intravenous drug. Oral capsule is used to treat certain infections that are caused by bacteria. Ampicillin dosage forms and strengths Capsules (250 mg and 500 mg) Oral suspension (125 mg/5ml) Powder for injection (125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g and 10 g) Uses of Ampicillin Ampicillin is generally prescribed to treat certain types of bacterial infections. The antibiotic drug is used to treat infections in the stomach and intestines, bladder, middle ear, sinuses, and kidney caused by susceptible bacteria. It can be prescribed to treat a urinary tract infection however not a first choice traetment option. This medicine can be prescribed in combination with other medications. FDA-approved uses: Respiratory tract infections (caused by Staphylococcus aureus, H influenza, group A beta-hemolytic streptococci and S pneumonia) Bacterial meningitis Septicemia and infective endocarditis (caused by streptococci, Staphylococci, HACEK microorganisms0 Genitourinary infections (caused by sensitive strains of Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli) Gastrointestinal infections 9caused by Salmonella typhi, Other Salmonella species and Shigella species) Off-label uses: Neonatal group B Streptococcal infection prophylaxis Prophylaxis in surgery Chorioamnionitis Crabapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii How Does It Work Against Bacterial Infections? Ampicillin acts by killing the infection-causing bacteria that stops the growth of infection. The mechanism of action on sensitive organisms comprises a two-step process. In the initial step the medicine muddles with primary receptors (membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins). These proteins have a vital role in the cell cycle thus inactivation of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) immediately impacts their functions. The second step comprises the physiological effects due to receptor-ligand interaction. PBPs are associated with the late stages of peptidoglycan synthesis in the cell wall. Peptidoglycan maintains the integrity of the cell wall that lives in a hypotonic environment, thus its interruption causes cell death. Ampicillin Administration This drug can be administered orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly. For moderately severe and severe infections parenteral administration is preferred. For life-threatening conditions, the oral route should not be prescribed as the initial therapy but can be followed after parenteral therapy. Oral administration Take this medicine on an empty stomach with 1-2 glasses of water to boost the absorption of the drug. Intravenous administration Ampicillin may be given intravenously as an IV bolus. Reconstitution of vials comprising 125mg, 250mg, or 500mg of the medicine with 5ml sterile water is advised. Vials comprising 1g or 2g should be reconstituted at 7.4 or 14.8 ml of sterile water or bacteriostatic. Intramuscular Administration For intramuscular administration, the injection should be given into a large muscle mass. Reconstitute with bacteriostatic or sterile water to make solutions containing 125 mg/ml or 250 mg/ml. Use in Specific Patient Populations No dose adjustments are required in patients with hepatic impairment. The dosing frequency needs to be adjusted depending on the CrCl of patients in patients with renal impairment. Ampicillin Dosage The exact dosage, drug form, strength, and how often you need to take this drug are based on your age, the condition that needs to be treated, the severity of the condition, other health problems you have, medical history and how your body responds to this medicine. Typical Dosage for Genitourinary tract infections or gonorrhea Adult Dosage (18-64 years): For genitourinary tract infections, the typical dosage is 500 mg 4 times a day. For severe or chronic infections larger doses may be prescribed. To treat gonorrhea, the typical dosage is 3.5 g once with 1 g of probenecid. Child Dosage: The genitourinary tract infection dosage for children weighing more than 20 kg is 500 mg 4 times a day. The genitourinary tract infection dosage for children weighing less than 20 kg is 100 mg/kg per day in 4 equally divided and spaced doses. Elderly people Dosage (65 years and above): The kidneys of senior people may not function as well as adults’s. It can make the body process drugs more slowly and rug remains in your body for an extended time. It can raise the risk of side effects. Your healthcare provider may begin with a lowered dose at a different schedule preventing too much build-up of drug in your body. Certain lab tests must be done before and during the treatment. Typical Dosage for Respiratory Tract Infections Adult Dosage (18-64 years) It is prescribed as 250 mg 4 times a day. Child  Dosage For children weighing more than 20 kg 250 mg 4 times a day For children weighing less than 20 kg 50 mg/kg in equally divided doses and equal time intervals (4-5 times a day) Typical Dosage for Gastrointestinal Tract Infections Adult Dosage (18-64 years) 500 mg 4 times a day Child Dosage For children weighing more than 20 kg 500 mg 4 times a day. For children weighing less than 20 kg 100 mg/kg a day is divided into equal doses and even intervals. Typical Dosage for Meningitis Your healthcare professional will determine the correct dosage for you. Take This Medicine As Advised By Your Healthcare Provider Ampicillin oral capsule is prescribed as a short-term treatment. Swallow the capsule with a sufficient amount of water. If you stop taking this medicine early without completing the prescribed course, your infection may come back and even become worse. If you skip doses, this medicine may not be able to work as well as it should. To get the maximum of this drug it is essential to maintain a certain level of it in your body all the time. In case of a missed dose take it instantly as you remember. If it is time for the next dose, skip it and take the next dose. Do not take 2 doses at the same time. Taking too much of this medicine can cause overdose symptoms such as diarrhea and upset stomach. In that case, you should call your healthcare provider or a poison control center for medical help. Essential Considerations While Taking Ampicillin Allergic warnings: This medicine may cause allergic reactions in certain people. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction are rash, trouble breathing, and swelling of the throat. Avoid taking Ampicillin if you ever had an allergic reaction to it or cephalosporin antibiotics. Pregnancy: This is a category B drug that is broadly prescribed to pregnant women. It is advised that pregnant females with preterm premature rupture of membranes should be treated with intravenous ampicillin followed by oral doses to lessen neonatal complications. Breastfeeding: Ampicillin can pass into the breast milk and cause side effects in nursing children. Talk to your doctor if you are breastfeeding your baby. You may need to stop breastfeeding while taking this medicine. Diabetes: In diabetic patients, this medicine can cause a false positive while the healthcare professional tests you for glucose levels in urine. It means it can interfere with certain diabetic urine tests, as a result test report may indicate that you have glucose in your urine while you do not. Discuss the safety of this drug with your doctor. Kidney disease: If you have kidney disease or a history of kidney problems your body may not clear this medicine from the body properly. It may increase the drug level in your body and cause side effects. Children: For newborns and infants, the lowest possible dose should be given. Their kidneys are not completely developed and may take longer to remove the drug from the body. Diarrhea: This medicine may cause diarrhea. Contact your healthcare provider if you have watery or bloody diarrhea with or without stomach cramps after you stop taking Ampicillin. Do not take any anti diarrhea products until your doctor advise as these can make your symptoms worse. Possible Side Effects Ampicillin oral antibiotic treatment may cause side effects in some patients. Mild side effects get better within a few days and include: Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Sores of mouth or tongue Serious side effects include; Nausea or vomiting that lasts longer Fever that doesn’t get better Dark urine Stomach pain The yellowness of eyes and skin Easy bruising Bleeding This medicine can rarely cause severe intestinal condition because of bacteria called C difficile. It may occur during the treatment or months after the traetment. Possible Drug Interactions When drugs interact they alter how your medicine works against the infection. It can increase the risk of side effects and prevent the medicine from working suitably. Ampicillin may interact with other prescription or non-prescription medicines, vitamins, herbal supplements, or other products. Your health provider needs to manage all other drugs you are taking to avoid possible drug interactions. Thus make sure your doctor is aware of all the medicines or any pharmacy products you're taking. Probenecid: Combining oral dosage form of Ampicillin and Probenecid can cause adverse effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Allopurinol: Combining Allopurinol with Ampicillin can increase the risk of an adverse reaction such as a skin rash. Chloramphenicol, Sulfonamides, Tetracyclines, and Macrolides: Combining these medicines with Ampicillin influences how it works. Ampicillin may not work suitably to treat your condition because other antibiotics prevent the growth of bacteria that Ampicillin requires to kill them. Oral Contraceptives: If you take birth control pills while using Ampicillin, it may make them less effective. Your healthcare professional may prescribe you a different form of birth control during treatment. Prolonged Use: If you are using this medicine for prolonged or repeated periods you may develop oral thrush ora vagianl yeast infection. Consult your health care professional if you have white patches inside your mouth or you notice a change in vaginal discharge. Wrapping Up Ampicillin is an effective antibiotic medication that is used to treat and manage several bacterial infections. It acts by discontinuing the growth of infection-causing bacteria. It only treats bacterial infections and does not work against viral infections such as flu and the common cold. If you are taking this medicine for a long period, make sure you follow all medical and lab appointments such as complete blood count, liver and kidney function etc. Frequently Asked Questions Which conditions can Ampicillin treat effectively? Generally the genera regarded to be susceptible to Ampicillin are Pasterurella, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Escherichia, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Streptococcis and Straphylococcus even though some of these have acquired resistance to this drug. What is the half life period of Ampicillin? The half life of Ampicillin in patients with normal renal function is 1-1.9 hour and it is increased in patients with impaired renal function. Why should I choose Ampicillin? Ampicillin carries a broad spectrum action and it is effective against infections caused by various sensitive strains or susceptible organisms. It is active with respect to gram negative bacteria and garm positive cocci, intestinal bacilli, listeria, enterococci and a few starins of hemophilic bacilli. How is it absorbed? This drug is wella absorbed from gastrointestinal tract and attains peak concentrations in 1-2 hours. Food reduces the absorption of Ampicillin. The bioavailability of this medicine is around 63% for parenteral routes. Is Ampicillin similar to Amoxicillin? The antibacterial spectrum and activity level of both of these drugs is essentially same and there is a complete cross resistance between these medicines.

What Kind of Cancer Does Fenbendazole Cure?

What Kind of Cancer Does Fenbendazole Cure?

Cancer is one of the leading health concerns for many people across the world. Finding effective and safe methods to treat, manage, and prevent various types of cancers is a top priority for medical professionals and researchers. In this blog, we are going to touch on evolving hope in cancer research using Fenbendazole (FENBEN). What is Fenbendazole? Fenbendazole is closely similar to Mebendazole which is known to be a very expensive pinworm treatment for kids. Fenbendazole is an affordable alternative to Mebendazole that is available as a dog dewormer (over the counter). Although this medicine has veterinary origins, it has been successfully used to treat many people. Febendazole capsules are accessible over the counter and have inadequate absorption through the gut thus taking it after a meal helps increase the bioavailability. Some patients open the capsules and sprinkle the medicine onto their meals directly. This widely used anti-parasitic compound promises to be a supplemental anti-cancer treatment. The probability of repurposing a drug that is already approved and easily accessible shows a motivating progression for cancer treatments. The Role of Febendzaole in Cancer Research This drug first emerged in 1974. It eradicates parasites and also holds anti-cancer properties with mild side effects as observed after using it extensively. It successfully shrinks various types of tumors and brings positive differences when used in combination with traditional treatments (chemotherapy and radiation therapy) without disturbing them. Fenbendazole is being used worldwide now. In addition to eradicating parasites, research demonstrates that Fenbendazole also appears to be a promising anti-cancer agent. Many doctors observed positive outcomes of Febendazole with minimal side effects when used in most patients. Research reveals Fenbendazole can encourage tumor regression across various types of cancer. Moreover, it appears well suited to traditional methods such as traditional and chemotherapy when used in combination. Just like many chemotherapy drugs, Fenbendazole can effectively combat cancer cells but with fewer adverse effects and less toxicity. Many pharmaceutical companies are investing in top-notch placebo-controlled studies to get more out of this drug. How Does It Work? Fenbendazole acts against parasites by impeding microtubule production. Microtubules are structural elements of cells that allow intracellular transport. The microtubule trouble also pertains to cancer cells which depend on these structures to sustain their speedy uncontrolled multiplication. Febenedazole prevents mitosis through the same mechanism as it kills parasites. Fenbendazole hits tumors in many ways: It triggers programmed cell death (apoptosis) by causing cell cycle arrest through microtubule disruption. It reactivates the p53 gene which is a strong tumor suppressor. It restores the function of the p53 gene. Humans do not contain much of this gene however Febendazole helps initiate it. It limits the glucose uptake of cancer cells. High consumption of glucose powers the uncontrolled growth of tumors. Fenbendazole seems to limit this major energy source by diminishing glucose transporters that famish cells of division-enabling sugars. Unlike traditional chemotherapy medicines, malignant cells appear unable to be resistant to Fenbendazole with extended use. It allows long-term use of this drug without losing its effectiveness. Additionally, cancer cells majorly become chemoresistant through P-glycoproteins which are special pumps ejecting anticancer drugs from the cells before they start working. As per the research malignant cells do not recognize Fenbendazole as a compound to expel through these pumps. Thus unlike other drugs, Fenbendazole stays inside the cancer cells retaining its long-term potency by sidestepping efflux by P-glycoproteins. Human Cancer Treatment with Fenbendazole In oncology, developments are usually astonishing and enlightening. One such surprising possibility is Fenbendazole. Presently, a substantial upturn has been noticed in research towards comprehending the inhibitory effects of Fenbendazole on cancer cells. The medical community’s attention peaked on this medication when revolutionary research demonstrated its aptitude to obstruct tumorigenesis. Fenbendazole is placing itself to be a considerable contender in cancer research by interrupting the division of cancer cells which is a vital process in cancer progression. Researchers and medical professionals commenced investigating the potential of Fenbendazole in cancer treatment due to its established effect on tubulin polymerization inhibition. Tubulin polymerization is a vital process in cancer cell proliferation and growth. In simple words, Fenbendazole can delay cancer cell growth and upset their lifecycles developing a new frontier in cancer therapy. Fenbendazole for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Pancreatic cancer is among the most uncompromising types of cancer with low survival rates. This condition is recognized for its late-stage diagnosis and limited treatments. Thus researchers are continuously searching for new treatments to manage this condition. Antiparasitic drugs including Fenbendazole have grabbed the attention of researchers reviewing pancreatic cancer. In initial studies, they have demonstrated the potential to constrain the progress and spread of cancer cells. Further research is required to determine the safety and success of human-based clinical trials. Microtubule Inhibitor Though the precise mechanisms behind the potential anti-cancer effects of Fenbendazole are being studied, existing research revealed that Fenbendazole can disrupt microtubule function that involves cell division and growth. This drug inhibits the division and proliferation of cancer cells by interfering with microtubule function. Clinical Trials Presently, limited data is available regarding ongoing clinical trials, particularly investigating Fenbendazole in cancer treatment. Most research has been preclinical model-based or observational studies in cell culture and animal models. These clinical trials aim to determine the suitable dosage and treatment regimen of Fenbendazole for various cancers, evaluate its success in contrasting standard treatments, and determine its safety in patients with pancreatic cancer. Anti-Cancer Effects Of Fenbendazole On 5-Fluorouracil-Resistant Colorectal Cancer Cells Recently, Benzimidazole anthelmintic agents have been repurposed to combat cancer resistance to established therapies. Several cell death pathways were explored in 5-fluorouracil-resistant colorectal cancer cells to assess the anti-cancer properties of Benzimidazole. Flow cytometry assays were performed for cell death and cell cycle to investigate the anti-cancer properties of Benzimidazole. Fenbendazole demonstrated higher susceptibility to 5-fluorouracil-resistant SNU-C5 cells as compared to Albendazole and was used in ensuing experiments. Flow cytometry discovered that Fenbendazole notably tempts apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase in both cells. 5-fluorouracil-resistant SNU-C5 cells demonstrated condensed autophagy, improved ferroptosis, and ferroptosis-augmented apoptosis, and reduced activation of caspase-8 and p53 when compared with wild-type SNU-C5 cells. These outcomes advocate that Fenbendazole can be a budding alternative treatment option in 5-fluorouracil-resistant cancer cells and the anticancer impact of Fenbendazole does not need p53 in 5-fluorouracil-resistant SNU-C5 cells. Fenbendazole: A Moderate Microtubule Destabilizing Agent That Causes Cancer Cell Death By Modulating Multiple Cellular Pathways A Benzimidazole agent is a safe and reasonable anthelmintic medication holding competent anti-proliferative properties. These anticancer agents are non-toxic to normal cells. Free tubulin stimulates mitochondrial function in cancer cells. Fenbendazole shows an adequate affinity for mammalian tubulin and employs cytotoxicity to human cancer cells at micromolar concentrations. Concurrently it allowed mitochondrial translocation of p53 genes and successfully inhibited glucose uptake. It congested the progression of human xenografts in a nude mice model when mice were administered oral Fenbendazole. The outcomes and the information from previous studies show that Fenbendazole is a noble microtubule intrusive agent that presents anti-neoplastic activity and can be investigated as a probable therapeutic agent due to its effects on multiple cellular pathways leading to the successful eradication of cancer cells. Fenbendazole is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug approved to treat several animal species. It is known to have an extreme safety margin and better toleration in most species. In experimental animals, it has shown a meager degree of toxicity and better safety. As per this study, Fenbendazole shows moderate microtubule depolymerization towards human cancer cells however it holds a potent antitumor effect as seen in in vitro and in vivo experiments. This study specifies that this drug exerts its antitumor activity by interrupting microtubule dynamics, activating p53 genes, and modulation of the genes involved in multiple cellular pathways. Treatment with Fenbendazole also decreased glucose uptake in cancer cells because of the down-regulation of GLUT transporters and core glycolytic enzymes. The tumorigenesis process comprises many genes and proteins modifying various cell signaling pathways, single target drugs display limited effectiveness and may develop drug resistance. Therefore, the agents with multiple cellular targets are expected to have better efficacy besides the ability to circumvent the possibility of developing resistance. On the whole, the current works suggest a multidrug effect of Fenbendazole on cancer cells causing cell death. That means Fenbendazole possesses a potential therapeutic application against cancer cells. Fenbendazole Destabilizes Tubulin Network in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells In vitro studies performed using enhanced extracts of helminthic and mammalian tubulin revealed that tubulin is the foremost molecular tagent of Benzimidazoles. Thus, to investigate the impact of Fenbendazole on the mammalian microtubule network, human non-small cell lung carcinoma A549 cells were treated with 1 uM  Fenbendazole for 24 hours and processed for immunofluorescence employing α tubulin antibody. Colchicine was utilized as a positive regulator. Outcomes revealed that Fenbendazole treatment caused a limited modification in the microtubule network. The microtubule cage surrounding the nucleus seemed to have lost its intactness when compared with the control mock-treated cells. However, this alteration in the organization was not as in colchicine treatment, which presented comprehensive depolymerization of microtubules into tubulin subunits. This information advocates that Fenbendazole causes a deformed microtubule framework of the cells. The anthelmintic drug induces mitotic arrest and cell death by polymerizing tubulin in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Fenbendazole Is Not A P-Glycoprotein Inhibitor(P-gp) Overcoming drug resistance is a major challenge in cancer treatment. Multidrug resistance (MDR) due to the overexpression of the MDR-1 gene that encrypts P-gp is a vital mechanism of drug resistance resulting in a cross-resistance to multiple drug classes. However, the efforts to constrain P-gp have not shown satisfying outcomes because of inevitable side effects. Thus the development of new anti-proliferative agents that are not substrates of P-gp can be an effective way to overcome drug resistance. The inhibition of cancer cell progression by Fenbendazole was tested in the availability of a P-gp inhibitor verapamil. The outcomes demonstrated that P-gp inhibition by verapamil did not improve the inhibitory effect of Fenbendazole on cancer cell proliferation. Fenbendazole Treatment In Early G2/M Block Followed By Cell Death As tubulin polymerization inhibition blocks cell-cycle progression and may prompt mitotic catastrophe, the influence of Fenbendazole on the progression of the cell cycle is investigated. For 48 hours, A549 cells were coordinated by serum starvation and treated with 1uM Fenbendazole at different time intervals. The results suggest an early boost of cyclin B1/CDK1 levels in Fembendazole treated cells. The results confirm that Fenbendazole induced cell cycle arrest during the mitotic phase in human nonsmall cell lung cancer cells. The number of apoptotic cells improved in a time-based manner with a concurrent reduction in cyclin B1 levels. The cyclin B1 levels reduce further at 40 and 48 hours with Fenbendazole treatment conforming to a further increase in the number of apoptotic cells. It suggests that A549 cells underwent mitotic exit accompanied by cell death with Fenbendazole use. Concludingly this information shows that Fenbendazole causes cell cycle arrest and mitotic cell death consistently due to its microtubular inhibtion effect. Fenbendazole Cancer Therapy: Things to Remember It should be taken after a meal to improve the absorption of this medicine. It may take up to four months to show noticeable anti-cancer effects. Generally, it is compatible with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Take it till the prescribed period even if your condition improves, tumors may come back easily without continuous treatment, particularly the aggressive types. Frequently monitor relevant tumor markers and go for scans to evaluate regression. Usually, the side effects are very unlikely which include diarrhea that happens when the cancer patient is given higher doses. It may encourage tumor radiosensitivity improving the effectiveness of radiation. If the liver enzymes rise, pause the treatment and resume it after 2 weeks. Wrapping Up The effectiveness and tolerance of Fenbendazole in humans have been expansively studied due to its successful veterinary use. Preclinical studies show that the antiparasitic drug Fenbendazole has the potential for treating and managing various types of cancers. Many clinical trials and real-life experiences have reported that it is well tolerated by cancer patients with minimal side effects. The reported side effects include mild gastrointestinal disturbances which resolve without any intervention. Make sure you always consult a healthcare provider before taking any medicine. Frequently Asked Questions Is Fenbendazole a chemo drug? Fenbendazole is an antiparasitic medication, not a chemotherapy drug. It is successfully used against many parasitic infections in animals. Is fenbendazole a safe medicine? The safety of this drug is well established. Make sure you use it as prescribed by your doctor and take it for the recommended duration. Do not change the dose until your healthcare provider tells you. Is it administered orally? Fenbendazole is available as oral granules and liquid suspension that should be taken by mouth. Suspension should be measured carefully to ensure the correct recommended dose. It is advised to take this medicine with food to avoid gastrointestinal upset.

How Zithromax Can Save Your Life - Eye-Opening Facts!

How Zithromax Can Save Your Life - Eye-Opening Facts!

  Zithromax (Azithromycin) is an antibiotic medication. It is prescribed to treat many infections in adults and children such as pneumonia, sinus infection, and strep throat. It is a prescription medication, available with a valid prescription. What is Azithromycin? Azithromycin is the generic name (Azithromycin dihydrate and Azithromycin monohydrate) and it comes as different brand name drugs such as Zithromax, Zmax, and Zithromax Z-Pak. It belongs to the macrolide antibiotic class of drugs. Azithromycin comes in the form of a tablet, liquid, and injection that is administered into blood vessels. Why is Azithromycin Antibiotic Treatment Prescribed? Azithromycin is commonly used to treat certain bacterial infections such as Lung infections (pneumonia, bronchitis) Throat infections (tonsillitis, pharyngitis) Skin infections (cellulitis) Sinus infections Ear infections in children Certain sexually transmitted infections Pelvic inflammatory diseases in females Genital ulcer disease Certain infections in HIV/AIDS patients In children, Zithromax can treat certain ear infections (6 months and older), pneumonia (6 months and older), strep throat (3 years and above), and tonsil infections (2 years and above). Zithromax is also prescribed to control the sudden worsening of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases because of a bacterial infection. Bacteria in certain locations may become resistant to Azithromycin, making it less effective. This medicine can also be used for other infections determined by a healthcare professional. How Does Azithromycin Work for Bacterial Infections? Azithromycin prevents certain bacteria from producing the proteins inside their cells, they necessitate to grow and replicate. As a result, bacteria become unable to grow, spread, and even survive sometimes. Zithromax (Azithromycin) Dosage At GrantPharmacy Zithromax is available in different dosage forms such as 200 mg, 500 mg, and 600 mg oral tablets; 100 mg, 200 mg, and 1 g oral suspension and 2 g extended-release oral suspension. Typical Azithromycin Dosage for Adults Pneumonia, strep throat, tonsils, skin infections, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Zithromax 500 mg orally on day 1 and 250 mg daily from day 2 to 5. Obstructive pulmonary disease and sinus infections: Azithromycin 500 mg orally daily for 3 days. Infections of the cervix and urethra: 1 to 2 grams (based on the infection) orally as a single dose. Typical Azithromycin Dosage for Children For children, the exact dosage depends on their body weight. Ear infection: 30 mg/kg orally as a single dose or 10 mg/kg orally once a day for 3 days or 10 mg/kg orally on day 1 and 5 mg/kg once a day from day 2 to 5. Pneumonia: 10 mg/kg orally on the 1st day and 5 mg/kg once a day from the 2nd till the 5th day. Sinus infections: 10 mg/kg orally once a day for 3 days. Tonsillitis and strep throat: 12 mg/kg orally once a day for 5 days. Zithromax Associated Warnings Allergic reactions: Do not use this medicine if you ever had an allergic reaction to Azithromycin, Zmax, Z-Pak, Zithromax, Erythromycin, any other macrolide antibiotic medicine, or any other ingredient of this medication. Medications: Your doctor should be aware if you are taking any prescription or non-prescription medicines, herbal products, vitamins, or any other supplements. It will help your healthcare provider determine if Zithromax tablets are right for you. Medical history: Tell your doctor if you ever have kidney problems, cystic fibrosis, hypokalemia (low blood potassium), or hypomagnesemia (low blood magnesium). Liver problems: Azithromycin may not be suitable for you if have liver disease or your liver is not functioning well. If you have liver problems you may need to do tests to determine if your liver is functioning well during the treatment. Heart conditions: Inform your doctor if you have heart problems (QT prolongation or long QT syndrome that influences the heart rhythm) or if anybody in your family history had a heart attack or heart failure. Myasthenia gravis: Inform your healthcare provider if you have myasthenia gravis. Azithromycin tablets make the symptoms of this condition such as breathing problems and muscle weakness worse. Pregnancy: The impact of Azithromycin tablets during pregnancy and on unborn babies is not known. Your healthcare professional should be aware if you are pregnant or planning to conceive. Breastfeeding: This drug passes into the breast milk. If you are breastfeeding your baby, tell your doctor. They will advise if you should use Azithromycin while lactating. Pediatric Use: Azithromycin should not be prescribed to babies younger than 6 months of age. Giving this medicine to babies younger than 6 months can cause infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. It is a condition that makes it difficult for food to transfer from the stomach to the intestines causing vomiting. Things To Keep In Mind While Using Azithromycin Tablets It is not Azithromycin tablets unless your doctor has prescribed it. It should be used exactly as recommended by a healthcare provider. Do not share this medicine with other people without consulting a doctor even if their condition seems like yours. It can be harmful. Store Azithromycin medication away from the reach of pets and children. Elderly people above 60 years of can be at higher risk of developing side effects of this drug. Talk to your doctor about the possible risks. If you are using Azithromycin tablets for a sexually transmitted infection, it is essential to get your partner treated as well. If they do not get treatment, they can reinfect you. Though very rare, this drug may cause severe diarrhea accompanied by fever. If it happens get medical attention. How to Use Azithromycin Properly? Before you start taking this medicine and every time you refill it, carefully read the patient information leaflet. Take Azithromycin as directed on your prescription label. If you have any queries concerning the use of Azithromycin, call your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Take this medicine orally by mouth as recommended by your healthcare provider. Usually, it is prescribed to take every day with or without food. If you have an upset stomach you should take it after a meal. For maximum benefits take Azithromycin at even intervals. Take this medicine for the prescribed amount of time even if your symptoms improve after a few doses. If you stop taking this drug too early, it may allow the infection-causing bacteria to grow which can lead to recurrence. If you are taking antacids comprising magnesium or aluminum, these may reduce the absorption of this drug when taken at the same time. Maintain at least a 2-hour gap between the dose of Azithromycin and antacid. Azithromycin Tablets: Swallow the Zithromax tablet whole with a full glass of water. Do not chew or crush the tablet. Take the tablet before or after eating your meal as recommended by your doctor. Azithromycin Extended Release Suspension: Usually, it is advised to take it on an empty stomach as a one-time dose. You can take it at least 1 hour before a meal and 2 hours after a meal. Do not use more or less amount of this medicine than prescribed. Always shake the medicine well every time you use it. Measure the correct dose with a dosing spoon that comes with the medicine. Do not use regular spoons to ensure the right dosage. Rinse the measuring spoon with water after each use. Azithromycin Suspension If you have to take Azithromycin powder for suspension as a single dose. You need to mix the 1-gram packet with 60 mL water. Mix the contents well and drink the entire liquid immediately. Now add more 60 mL water in the same glass, mix it well, and drink the entire content to ensure you get the complete dose. You can store Zithromax suspension for up to 10 days after receiving it from GrantPharmacy. Throw the medicine bottle after 10 days even if it still contains some medicine in it. Missed Dose If you missed taking Azithromycin for any reason, take it immediately as you come to know about it. If you realize the missed dose near the time of your next dose, forget the missed dose and take the next dose on time. Never take two doses together. Overdose If you have accidentally taken too much of Azithromycin, it may cause the symptoms of overdose. If you have serious symptoms get medical help or call a poison control center. Advantages of Azithromycin for Superior Infection Control You just need to take one dose of Azithromycin a day orally by mouth. Zithromax is also available in liquid form (Zithromax suspension) which is the best option for patients who find it difficult to swallow tablets.   Typically Azithromycin treatment lasts just for 3 to 5 days. Azithromycin is also available as a generic drug which is cheaper than the brand name drugs. Possible Side Effects Of Azithromycin The most commonly reported side effects include: Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain Unusual tiredness Seek your healthcare provider’s advice if these side effects bother you or last longer. It may cause other side effects which are not mentioned here. If you experience serious side effects of this medicine you can report to US FDA or Health Canada. Serious side effects of this drug which are not common include: Serious allergic reaction: In certain patients, Azithromycin or its inactive ingredients may cause serious allergic reactions. Discontinue using it and get medical help if you experience the following symptoms of an allergic reaction. Irregular heartbeat Chest pain, Breathing problems, Swollen lymph nodes, Trouble swallowing, Dizziness Hives Zithromax Drug Interactions There are no known interactions between Azithromycin and common foods, drinks, and alcohol. Other medicines which may interact with Azithromycin are: Nelfinavir (HIV medication) Warfarin (blood thinner) Digoxin (used to treat heart problems) Colchicine (gout medicine) Phenytoin (seizures treatment medicine) Antacids containing magnesium or aluminum Azithromycin medication may modify the blood levels of some other drugs. Make sure your doctor is aware of the medications or any pharmacy products you are taking during Azithromycin treatment. Do not begin with any medication unless your doctor tells you. Closing Words Azithromycin (Zithromax) is an inexpensive medication that belongs to macrolide antibiotics. It successfully treats certain infections caused by bacteria but not viruses. Azithromycin tablets will not be effective for common flu, cold, or other viral infections.







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